Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Who am I?

I'm a wife, I'm a mom, a teacher, a nurse, a chef, a bus driver, an author, a horse lover ...
Are these who I am? No. These multiple roles are things I do and they are part of my identity. As a new creation in Christ I have a new identity. Not an identity that obliterates me or diminishes me. I have a new identity that makes me complete. I have (according to Ezekiel) a new heart, and He has written His laws upon that new heart and He will cause me to walk in His ways ... because I am in Him and He is in me. You can't get closer than that.
I have been really busy and I'm sure you have too. I told someone that, cluck, cluck, I'm a chicken with no head. She reminded me that I am not a headless chicken even though I am acting like one.
So who are you? Are you a child of God? If so, you too are a new creation. Are you acting like your old dead self? Why? Paul asks the same question in Romans. Why would we continue to act as though we are lacking when we have been given the most incredible gift of all? Jesus. He is all we need. Hallelujah!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Ah Spring!

It's up, it's down, it's all around. Is it the stock market? No. It's the temperature. I don't know about you but we've had (here in Central Virginia) days of balmy almost 80's sun, followed three days later by 10 inches of snow. Talk about crazy. But it is a sign of the times.
We have other signs of the times. Wars and rumors of wars, famine ... Matthew 24:6 you know. End times stuff. But if we continue reading that verse, Jesus says, " ...but see to it that you are not alarmed."
Wow! How do I hear about such things and not be alarmed? By knowing. I know who is sovereign, who is omnipotent, who is the I Am. I not only know Him, I love and trust Him. I know that He is the Author and Finisher of our faith. I know that His commitment to us is 100% I know all these things and yet there is one thing left. As fear and anxiety creep into my very bones I can choose to take each thought captive. I can choose what and in whom I will believe. Will I choose to believe my emotions? The morning, noon and nightly news? I can choose, and I choose You Lord. You are my strong tower. You are my protector. You are my life. Thank you for loving me. We are here for such a time as this! Hallelujah.

Friday, March 13, 2009